



  1. /assets/img/publication_preview/shibuya2019social.png
    Social Media Communication Data for Recovery
    Yuya Shibuya

Journal & Conference Proceedings


  1. JSocialFact: a Misinformation dataset from Social Media for Benchmarking LLM Safety
    Tomoka Nakazato, Masaki Onishi, Hisami Suzuki, and Yuya Shibuya
    In Proceedings of IEEE Big Data 2024 ABCSS2024 (2024)
  2. The Bidirectional Relationship between Emotional Change and Physical Movement Activities: An Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching Methods
    Zeyu Wu, Yuuki Nishiyama, and Yuya Shibuya
    In Proceedings of IEEE Big Data 2024 ABCSS2024 (2024)
  3. Emotions, behaviors and places: Mapping sentiments with behaviors in Japanese tweets
    Mingchen Liu, Yuya Shibuya, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
    Cities (2024) 155, 105449
  4. Can civic data be counterdata and open data? Exploring the limits of data, contestation, and governance
    Yuya Shibuya, Seyi Olojo, Andrea Hamm, Radhika Krishnan, and Teresa Cerratto Pargman
    In Proceedings of the Weizenbaum Conference 2024 (2024)
  5. Assessing internal displacement patterns in Ukraine during the beginning of the Russian invasion in 2022
    Yuya Shibuya, Nicholas Jones, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
    Scientific Reports (2024) 14:11123
  6. AI Optimism, Pessimism, or Indifference? Challenges of Combating AI-Made Misinformation Under Mixed Perceptions of AI
    Yuya Shibuya, Tomoka Nakazato, and Soichiro Takagi
    In Proceedings of the ICWSM Workshops (2024)
  7. /assets/img/publication_preview/kashiyama2024.jpg
    Nationwide synthetic human mobility dataset construction from limited travel surveys and open data
    Takehiro Kashiyama, Yanbo Pang, Yuya Shibuya, Takahiro Yabe, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
    In Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (2024)
  8. What Does ’Failure’ Mean in Civic Tech? We Need Continued Conversations About Discontinuation
    Andrea Hamm, Yuya Shibuya, Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Roy Bendor, Christoph Raetzsch, Mennatullah Hendawy, Rainer Rehak, Gwen Klerks, Ben Schouten, and Nicolai Brodersen Hansen
    Interactions (2024) 31:2, 34–38
  9. Social segregation levels vary depending on activity space types: Comparison of segregation in residential, workplace, routine and non-routine activities in Tokyo metropolitan area
    Chenchen Sun, Yuya Shibuya, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
    Cities (2024) 146:2, 104745
  10. Enhancing geospatial retail analysis by integrating synthetic human mobility simulations
    Santiago Garcia-Gabilondo, Yuya Shibuya, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
    Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (2024) 108:2, 102058
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    Sustainable and Resilient Societies? Comparing Notions of the ‘Smart City’ in Germany and Japan in Sustainable Societies in a Fragile World. Perspectives from Germany and Japan (Hommerich and Kimura Ed.)
    Andrea Hamm, Yuya Shibuya, and Christoph Raetzsch


  1. Unmasking Socioeconomic Disparities: A Study of Urban Segregation through the Lens of Mobile App Usage Patterns
    Yuya Shibuya, Santiago Garcia, Sun Chenchen, Yu Peiran, Ma Jue, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
    In Abstracts of Netmob 2023 (2023)
    Netmob 2023 Best Challenge Contribution Runner-up
  2. Characterizing the Behavior of Healthcare Experts Towards COVID-19 Vaccine on Twitter
    Tomoka Nakazato, Yuya Shibuya, and Soichiro Takagi
    In Proceedings of WI-IAT2023 (2023)
  3. Mainstreaming civic tech and citizen sensing: a research agenda on co-creation methods, data interfaces, and impact pathways
    Christoph Raetzsch, Andrea Hamm, and Yuya Shibuya
    Frontiers in Environmental Science (2023) 1228487:11
  4. Failed yet successful: Learning from discontinued civic tech initiatives
    Andrea Hamm, Yuya Shibuya, Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Roy Bendor, Nicolai Brodersen Hansen, Christoph Raetzsch, Masahiko Shoji, Christoph Bieber, Mennatullah Hendawy, Gwen Klerks, and Ben Schouten
    In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’) (2023)
  5. Russo-Ukrainian War on Facebook: A Temporal and Spatial Study Based on BERTopic modeling
    Kai-Yi Tan, Chun-Ming Lai, Yin-Jie Foo, and Yuya Shibuya
    In Proceedings of International Conference on Security and Information Technologies with AI, Internet Computing and Big-data Applications (SITAIBA 2023) (2023)


  1. Do open data impact citizens’ behavior? Assessing face mask panic buying behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Yuya Shibuya, Chun-Ming Lai, Andrea Hamm, Soichiro Takagi, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
    Scientific Reports (2022) 12:1, 17607
  2. Mapping HCI research methods for studying social media interaction: A systematic literature review
    Yuya Shibuya, Andrea Hamm, and Teresa Cerratto Pargman
    Computers in Human Behavior (2022) 129:1, 107131


  1. What Makes Civic Tech Initiatives To Last Over Time? Dissecting Two Global Cases
    Andrea Hamm, Yuya Shibuya, Stefan Ullrich, and Teresa Cerratto Cerratto Pargman
    In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2021) :1, 1–17
  2. From Data to Discourse: How Communicating Civic Data Can Provide a Participatory Structure for Sustainable Cities and Communities
    Yuya Shibuya, Andrea Hamm, and Christoph Raetzsch
    In International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (2021)



    1. Detecting Disaster Recovery Activities via Social Media Communication Topics.
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      In the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2019) (2019) , 706-718
    2. How does a large-scale disaster impact on the used-car market? A case study of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      International Journal of Economic Policy Studies (2019) 13:1, 89–117
      The academic award of the Japan Economic Policy Association [Junior award]
    3. Using Social Media to Detect Socio-Economic Disaster Recovery
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      IEEE Intelligent Systems (2019) 34:3, 29–37
    4. Socio-Economic Disaster Recovery Captured by Big Housing Market Data
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      In 2019 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) (2019) :3, 1–8


    1. Public Sentiment and Demand for Used Cars after A Large-Scale Disaster: Social Media Sentiment Analysis with Facebook Pages
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Social Web for Disaster Management (SWDM’18) (2018) :3, 6
    2. A Statistical Analysis Between Consumer Behavior and a Social Network Service: A Case Study of Used-Car Demand Following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      The Review of Socionetwork Strategies (2018) 12:2, 205–236


    1. Mining social media for disaster management: Leveraging social media data for community recovery
      Yuya Shibuya
      In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (2017) :2, 3029–3036
    2. Impact of ICT tools on disaster logistics issues: A case study of the great east Japan earthquake and Tsunami of 2011
      Yuya Shibuya
      International Journal of Business and Information (2017) 12:3, 310–341
    3. A Typology For ICT-Facilitated Citizen Coproduction: Pre- and Post-Disaster
      Yuya Shibuya
      International Journal of Cyber Society and Education (2017) 10:2, 65–86



    1. Generation gaps in activity space segregations: A case study of Tokyo metropolitan areas using human mobility GPS data
      Chenchen Sun, Yuya Shibuya, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
      In Proceedings of NetMob 2024 (2024)
    2. Socioeconomic Disparities in Heat Exposure and Mitigation Based on Human Mobility in India
      Jue Ma, Santiago Garcia Gabilondo, Carl D. Torbjörnsson, Chenchen Sun, Zeyu Wu, Yuya Shibuya, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
      In Proceedings of NetMob 2024 (2024)
    3. Dynamic Air Pollution Exposure Index Using Human Mobility Patterns: Case Studies from the Global South
      Yuya Shibuya, Santiago Garcia Gabilondo, Carl D. Torbjörnsson, Zeyu Wu, Chenchen Sun, Jue Ma, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
      In Proceedings of NetMob 2024 (2024)
    4. Civic Data: Building Democratic Participation through Civic Tech in the Age of Data Capitalism
      Yuya Shibuya
      In Symposium Creating Impact with Data Journalism: Pathways to Civic Communication and Engagement (2024)


    1. Good News or Bad News? Political Social Media Messaging During the Tokyo Olympics
      Etienne Gagnon, Kenneth McElwain, and Yuya Shibuya
      In JPOSS (2023)


    1. Insights on sustainability-oriented change in mobility stimulated by civic IoT applications
      Andrea Hamm, Yuya Shibuya, Rainer Rehak, and André Ullrich
      In EJEA International Conference (2022)
    2. How to Do Things with "Values": A Cross-Linguistic Analysis of the Meanings and Functions of a Core Concept on Twitter.
      Avishai Green, Yuya Shibuya, Tommaso Trillo, Saki Mizoroki, Rebecca Scharlach, Blake Hallinan, Tim Park, Effi Levi, Elad Segev, Shaul Shenhav, and Limor Shifman
      In the 2022 Internet Research Conference (AoIR2022) (2022)
    3. Journalism and the Democratic Interface: From Data Dashboards to Participatory Infrastructures.
      Christoph Raetzsch, Diogo Henriques, Andrea Hamm, and Yuya Shibuya
      In 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2022) (2022)
    4. Whose Voices Have We Been Listening to? Opportunities and Challenges of AI for Disaster Management and Resilience.
      Yuya Shibuya
      In BIFOLD Summer School, Ethics in Machine Learning and Data Management (2022)
      Invited Talk
    5. Towards Digital Twins of Japanese Cities
      Christoph Raetzsch, Diogo Henriques, Andrea Hamm, and Yuya Shibuya
      In Infrastructures of Publics Workshops (2022)
      Invited Talk
    6. Sustainable or Resilient Societies? Comparing Notions of the "Smart City" between Germany and Japan
      Andrea Hamm, Yuya Shibuya, and Christoph Raetzsch
      In 16th Meeting of the German-Japanese Society for Social Sciences (GJSSS) (2022)
    7. Intertwined Relations between Communication in Cyberspace and Economic and Political Situations in the Physical World.
      Yuya Shibuya
      In Early-Career Scholar Forum, UTokyo Center for Contemporary Japanese Studies (2022)
    8. Good News or Bad News? Political Social Media Messaging during the Olympics.
      Yuya Shibuya
      In Japanese Society for Quantitative Political Science 2022 Winter Meeting (2022)


    1. Factors affecting inbound tourists to Japan: a panel data analysis
      Zhaoyuan Liu, Yuya Shibuya, and Soichiro Takagi
      In Proceedings of the Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies (2020)


    1. Does Sentiment of Social Media Sense Mid-to Long-Term Socio-Economic Disaster Recovery? A Case Study of Hurricane Sandy Focusing on Housing Demand.
      Yuya Shibuya, and H Tanaka
      In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Japanese Economic Policy Association (Oct. 2018) (2018)
    2. How Does Public Sentiment on Social Media Reflect Socio-Economic Disaster Recovery?
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      In Poster session presented at the 5th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (2018)
    3. Topics of Social Media Communication and Socio-Economic Recovery.
      Yuya Shibuya, and H. Tanaka
      In Poster session presented at ISCRAM ASIA PACIFIC 2018 (2018)


    1. A Demand Side Analysis of the Car Market after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011: A content analysis of Facebook Pages.
      Yuya Shibuya, and H Tanaka
      In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Japanese Economic Policy Association (2017)